Braun AEG značenje | engleski leksikon

Braun AEG značenje | engleski leksikon

Braun AEG

imenicarobna marka
IPA: / ˈbrɒn |aeg| /

German company, manufacturer of sound equipment and domestic appliances, founded 1921 by Max Braun and based in Frankfurt.
The factory was rebuilt 1945 and in 1951 when Max Braun died his son Ar
tur (1925– ) began commissioning a number of young and highly innovative German industrial designers associated with the new design school (Hochschüle für Gestaltung) at Ulm—among them Dieter Rams and Hans Gugelot (1920–1965)—to update the company's product range. Their radically new designs quickly became hallmarks of the stark, geometric design style that developed in Germany at that time.

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Reč dana 16.09.2024.

imenica, geografija
muški rod, životinja
ženski rod, gramatika
muški rod, hemija